
Balancing Business and Family Travel: Interview with a CEO

Balancing Business and Family Travel

Entrepreneurs often struggle to balance business demands with family commitments.

This interview with a CEO reveals how private jet travel has become a key strategy in achieving that balance, offering a closer look at the practicalities and benefits of this approach for busy professionals.

Q1: Can you walk us through a day in your life, balancing a bustling equities business with family time, all while living away from the city buzz?

A1: Sure, it’s a bit like conducting an orchestra from two different stages. My day kicks off with a strong coffee and a virtual huddle with my teams in Sydney and Melbourne. Then it’s diving into the markets—every tick is a new tune. But when the school bus rolls in, it’s hats off to the markets and on with the dad cap. It’s about hitting those high notes in both worlds without missing a beat.

Q2: Running a business with teams in major cities while you’re in a quieter spot must come with its own set of hurdles. What’s that like for you?

A2: It’s a challenge, alright. The market’s not going to pause for my scenic view. The real test is staying on top of the game from a distance, making sure decisions are made at the speed of light, and keeping the team spirit high without the face-to-face. And then, of course, there’s juggling the family circus at the same time.

Q3: With all these balls in the air, how does Airly help keep them aloft without dropping any?

A3: Airly’s like the ace up my sleeve. When I need to be in the city at the crack of dawn or have that crucial face-to-face, they’ve got my back. But the best part? I can still make it back to read bedtime stories. It’s not just a service; it’s my bridge between two worlds, making sure I don’t have to compromise on either.

Q4: There must have been a standout moment where Airly turned what seemed like an impossible situation into a win-win. Care to share?

A4: Oh, absolutely. Picture this: a deal teetering in Sydney and my daughter’s first soccer game on the same day. With Airly, I managed to clinch the deal and shout from the sidelines at her game by sunset. That day, Airly didn’t just keep the business flying; it kept a promise.

Q5: Looking down the road, how do you see this blend of high-speed business and down-to-earth family life playing out, especially with Airly in the mix?

A5: Moving forward, it’s clear Airly isn’t just part of the business strategy; it’s part of the family. The ability to weave through the demands of the market and still be there for the family milestones is non-negotiable for me. Airly doesn’t just get me from A to B; it ensures I’m living the life I’ve worked hard for, fully and without compromise.

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