We’re the first to admit, we do go hard on the airlines.
They do a great job, and we’re so lucky in Australia to have one of the safest regulatory conditions in the world which results in far fewer incidents compared elsewhere.
But our job is to show those who need to fly from A to B, whether that be Melbourne to Sydney, or Moree to Swan Hill, that there is a better way.
You see, the airlines have a task to run their jets to a schedule, where you’re no more important than the other 150+ passengers flying with you.
And they can’t fly everywhere, all the time.
This is why private aviation is such a fast-growing market in Australia. Granted, it has taken a pandemic and associated severe travel disruption to show individuals who are in a financial position that there are economical ways to experience the benefits of chartering a private jet.
Thankfully, though, we’re often provided with free marketing by the actions of airlines.
Stranded passengers, lost luggage, long queues in security, non-responsive customer service, and business travellers sitting on the floor in overcrowded lounges are voiced frequently via social media.
How the airlines ruined Will’s day
For our Access cardholder, Will, a third-generation farmer, trying to get from A to B was a horrid experience.
Two commercial flights from major airports plus a further 3 hours to his final destination by road, was a task that Will never looked forward to.
It only took one of the flights to be delayed or cancelled, and his whole day was ruined, with limited options to reschedule on the day.

A travel solution that’s all about you
Now, having the ability to book a jet to suit his schedule, along a more direct route has completely changed the way that Will does business. Will can depart from his urban airport, saving time by travelling directly to where he needs to be.
A quick trip to inspect a new facility or investment can be achieved with a level of convenience never experienced before.
The added bonus that his dedicated travel specialist knows what paper he likes to read and the food he likes to eat onboard makes Will’s entire travel experience a joy, and something he actually looks forward to.
For Will, the journey is now as important as the destination.

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