Our private jet card was designed to test our theory around affordability.
If we could make pricing simple and perhaps a little more affordable, would more people fly or try private?
The main reason people find themselves booking a private jet is for convenience and to save time. But sometimes the price, or ambiguity around the cost, makes this reality out of reach.
We launched Access by Airly in July of 2021 in the midst of lockdowns and border closures, but that didn’t deter us.
The team worked hard throughout this period and we now find ourselves reflecting on an incredible 2022 for the program.

Before we go into the numbers, we thank our operating partner in Airlink.
Stretching them to the limit of both aircraft and crew availability. They continued to deliver with supreme safety, reliability and professionalism.

Without card holders, we don’t have a business.
By November 2022, we sold 46 cards servicing 67 card holders. Achieving peak capacity we closed the program and switched to an invite only list.

The trusty Citation Mustang flew our card holders and their guests on 424 flights amassing 639 flying hours.
The longest flight we conducted was Ballina / Byron Bay to Launceston and Ballina / Byron Bay to Mount Gambier.
The Mustang found itself as far north as Townsville and as far south as Hobart. The most popular destinations were Gold Coast, Hamilton Island and Cooma.
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