A private jet app in Australia?
You read correctly, back in 2018 Airly was the first Australian private jet business to launch a dedicated private jet app. The idea was streamline and simplify the reservation process while easily displaying trip itineraries.
Over the years we continued to add or adjust as our business developed. And our app has even more incredible updates in the works.
By simply booking a private jet via the Airly app customers recently saved just under $3,000 on a Sydney to Gold Coast flight.

We provide these market-leading rates without the need to sign up to a membership, or pay an annual fee.
These rates are available to anyone using the app.
But why are others more expensive?
At Airly we do things a little differently.
Due to our expansive network of customers along the East Coast we are able to be more efficient. By ‘threading’ flights together we can save money on empty flying and pass those savings onto the consumer.
Our vision was, is, and always will be private aviation made simple, accessible and more cost-effective.
By launching our now at-capacity and invite only card program, we tested a theory around affordability. That is if we could make flying private a little more within reach, would more people use us?
After 18 months of the card program’s operation, the answer to that theory has been a resounding yes, just take a look at our private jet card year in review article.
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