Each month the Department of Infrastructure (their actual title is much much longer) releases data on the aviation industry.
And one report we enjoy reading is the Domestic airline on time performance report.
The Department measure the departure, arrival and cancellation performance of the major airlines along all domestic routes. This gives us key insight as to why we keep receiving phone calls from potential card holders like George.
Pre covid, when Sydney – Melbourne was one of the busiest air routes in the world we witnessed under half of all flights actually arrive on time (scheduled arrival time + or – 15 minutes).
But we felt that’s unfair looking that far back, so we decided to take a look at the January 2022 performance between Melbourne and Sydney, the results didn’t disappoint.
So how did the airlines perform in January 2022?

Even in January 2022, when the airlines desperately wanted your custom, they could barely get you into Sydney on time, cancelling a quarter of flights.
It’s horrid performances like this that destroyed our card holder, George‘s, schedule.
He wanted to fly to Sydney from Melbourne in the morning and hit the ground running meeting as many partners, investors and clients as possible without the need to spend the night away.
And when he was one of the 25% on average having their flight cancelled, his precise schedule was thrown into chaos.
That’s why he signed up to Access by Airly.
Our promise is we’ll get you where you need to be, when you need to be there.
The only thing that can stop us is the weather, and even then we’ll have Plan B ready to implement.
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